“What’s Changed for the Better Since You Learned How to be a Peaceful Eater?”
"I've now had a pint of non dairy frozen dessert in my freezer for over a week...normally I would eat 1-2 pints a day!
I usually eat a whole bag of chips with a cup of queso. Thanks to Julie's program, I now eat 10 chips with a small amount of queso. I never thought that would be possible!
I'm never deprived and have learned how to eat my favorite foods in moderation. This is a first for me!"
- Cathy M.
"That anxious feeling I used to have around food has been replaced with a sense of calmness and control.
On Thanksgiving, the icing on the cake was seeing an uncle who gorged himself to the point where he couldn't even get up to hug me goodbye because he was so full.
I realized in that moment, that wasn't me anymore!
I've found ways of dealing with my anxiety other than food. What a relief."
- Kelly C.
"I have more energy. I sleep better. I'm proud of myself. I'm happy. I don't crave all the fried, fatty foods anymore. Life is good!"
- Susie R.
"For 30+ years, food had been my nemesis. It dominated my thoughts, and was going to do so for the rest of my life. Then I took action and contacted Julie. In 4 weeks, 30 years of bad habits have been turned off. I feel great, in control and I’ve lost 10 pounds without any other efforts (no exercise…nothing else).
I enjoy food instead of fear it and it’s a great feeling. I thank Julie for her guidance in getting me here."
- Marina S.
“Julie, you’ve totally changed my life! I am eternally grateful for you and all you’ve done to help me undo countless years of uncontrollable bingeing. Before working with you, my head would be in the pantry or the freezer every Friday through Sunday for as long as I can remember.
But now, I can eat the foods I enjoy, never feel deprived and not feel compelled to overeat them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
- Patty F.
“I am a different person since the day I started Julie’s program. Just this morning while walking to work, I was thinking about how much Julie’s work has really changed my life. Hers is the only program that helped me manage my binge eating.
Finally my thoughts are no longer dominated by food or body weight. Her coaching sessions have been invaluable; I appreciate her support, professionalism and empathy.
Now that I have learned how to curb the bingeing habit I battled for decades, I’m calmer, my overall mood has improved, and I have a better outlook on life. Thanks, Julie you really know your stuff!”
- David K.
“Prior to working with Julie, I would binge on all my favorite foods and tell myself that as soon as my stress from any given situation was over, that I would start my diet again. I was a yo-yo dieter and tried ALL those diets out there but was never consistent.
But that all changed when I started Julie’s program doing the Tricks to Make it Stick. I’ve amazed myself that I can eat my favorite foods and lose weight but I do it calmly and in portion sizes that make me feel satisfied and not deprived or uncomfortable. No more compulsive and impulsive eating for me!!
I am so happy that I found a program that is not a diet, but allows me to lose weight and stop being so fearful of food. My relationship with food has changed so dramatically and I never thought this would be possible for me.”
- Kelly D.
“After suffering with binge eating disorder for 20 years where nothing I tried ever really worked, I assumed I would have to find a way to live with it. After a very bad binge filled with horrible guilt and negative emotions, I found Julie’s program while searching online.
I told her 'I’m desperate to stop…please help me!' After finishing my first month working with Julie I am thrilled to say without a doubt that her program has changed my life. I have found calmness around food that I never thought was possible for me.
One of the best things is that she has taught me how to incorporate all of the foods into my life that I love and I don’t feel the need to binge on them.
Julie has such a wonderful and supportive approach that has made this process not only doable, but actually enjoyable. My only regret is that I didn’t find this program earlier in life. Thank you Julie for your truly incredible program.”
- Sara N.
“I’m so thankful that I reached out to learn more about Julie’s program. From our initial conversation, I could tell that she understood on multiple levels what I was going through. Her guidance is no-nonsense and practical and I immediately felt a burden lifted from my shoulders as I put her “tricks to make it stick” into practice.
Julie took me out of a vicious “dieting” cycle and moved me into a positive space where I was in-control and not afraid of food. In my first week, I dropped 6 pounds and I’ve continued to lose.
I’m thrilled that I am reaching my goal weight, and beyond that I’m thrilled to have transitioned from a “no, you can’t eat that,” negative diet mentality to a positive, “what choice do I want to make?” thought process. Simple but life-changing.”
- Adele C.
“YOU HAVE COMPLETELY CHANGED MY LIFE, JULIE! Because of your program I now feel a wonderful calmness and inner peace with food instead of feeling fear, anxiety, self-hatred and disappointment that plagued me for so long.
Your method, which combines real empathy and understanding with tough love and honesty along with the Tricks to Make It Stick, has taught me how to work towards my goals instead of being in a constant war against myself. Your support, kindness and expertise have helped me become a new person!
As someone just entering adulthood, I have to thank you for the way in which I will now be able to enjoy my future without the overwhelming burden that binge eating disorder has caused me. I am also so pleased with the weight I have lost since we began working together. I look forward to more great results.”
- Rae B.
“I have been dieting for the majority of my life, but had come to the conclusion that diets did not work. I knew that restriction led only to rebellion via binging. Despite this realization I didn’t have a clue how to proceed. This is where Julie came in. She was able to give me the tools to use to not diet, but cease the binges that had been an almost daily occurrence.
Throughout our work together, the bag of Cheetos that I would normally eat in one sitting, became something that I could choose to eat everyday if I wanted, because I found that I could eat a portion that was satisfying without feeling restricted. Integrating my binge foods into my daily life in healthy, reasonable ways was truly a turning point for me.
Julie’s “tricks to make it stick” is something I see myself utilizing far into the future as I continue to undo the damage that my disordered eating has done. And I’m happy to be down another 9 lbs.”
- Danielle W.
“Julie has provided kind, sane, practical tools and ways of self-coaching that have helped my daughter in ways that nothing else had helped earlier. While we all recognize that this will remain a vulnerable issue into the future, my daughter feels strong and optimistic and has tools and tactics to draw on to help her move forward.
I will always be grateful to Julie, and know that she will always be there for my daughter, as well as for me. She helped my wonderful girl to regain her life. I would suggest that anyone concerned about a loved one’s eating disorders reach out to Julie for caring insight and guidance.”
- Judy P.
“I had just regained 100 lbs. and I knew that I would keep gaining more if I didn’t do something about my binge eating problem right away. What I honestly can’t believe is that before starting to work with you I went from bingeing every single day for 20 years (I am now 21 years old) to having a life now where I am not obsessed with food all day long and am able to eat the foods I enjoy in moderation.
You taught me how I never have to feel deprived and at the same time, I lost the need to binge. I am amazed that not only have I lost weight but I am so much calmer around food and I never thought I could have a life like this.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me the way, and supporting me in such a kind and nonjudgmental way. I would recommend you to anyone who is ready to stop bingeing and get their life back.”
- Constance R.
“I called you Julie because I got to the point where I became really scared of health concerns related to my heart and diabetes. I just felt like I was always tired and didn’t want to be seen by other people and I myself dreaded looking in the mirror.
From the first day we started working together, my bingeing stopped! I still can’t believe it. Normally when I would buy a bag of my favorite candy, licorice, I would eat the whole bag in one day. Through what you taught me, I easily was able to have that bag last me almost a month!
I feel freedom from the hold food has always had on me and I’m so much happier and extremely grateful for you teaching me the “tricks to make it stick." I felt such a connection to you knowing that YOU understood how I felt. You made it easy to talk about my feelings. Thank you, Thank you, Thank God for you. Always with love and gratitude.”
- Cindy D.
“I have been a binge eater since I was a child. I can no longer stand how I look or feel and worse, knowing what I’ve been consciously doing to myself is so upsetting. With your program and guidance, I have stopped bingeing cold turkey! Just two days before I began working with you, I had eaten a whole bag of Oreo cookies in just two hours!
I am thrilled to have lost weight and normally in the past what I would do when I have lost weight is reward myself with junk food, like candy, cake or chips (how stupid is that?). Instead, now I eat the foods that I want to eat and am easily able to eat them in moderation and really enjoy them.
This morning I made 8 chocolate dipped strawberries and ate only 2 of them. In the past, I would have eaten all 8 right away! My jeans are getting looser and I’m starting to feel sexy again.
I am still shocked at how well I am doing as I have never been this good. I am so glad that I had the courage to face my problem and call you.”
- Diane H.
“Finding your phone number and actually calling you has changed my life. Your kindness and heartfelt concern (as well as you having been in my shoes) drew me to want to work with you to change my way of thinking about food and that awful word “diet.”
You taught me how to live in what you call the “magic zone” where there is no urge to binge eat and where there is no deprivation either. The deprivation is what has led me to give up in the past. This magic zone is the place where I can eat what I am in the mood for without eating half the pantry.
You have been enthusiastic and supportive and your program has allowed me to continue to lose the weight I have wanted to lose. Since the first day we met, I have not had one binge eating episode which amazes me!
Thank you Julie for helping me realize I am not alone in this terrible plight of binge eating and continuous weight gain and that I can live my life enjoying food instead of being afraid of it.”
- Claire M.
“I had hit a scary weight…the highest I ever was and it was due to mindless nibbling, large portions, poor choices and sometimes uncontrollable eating. One thing I loved about your coaching program is that unlike any other program I’ve tried, this was focused on just ME. It is individualized within a framework that made sense to me.
I am losing weight at a pace I am very pleased with and I noticed a very positive shift in my thinking and my behaviors almost at once. I have become so much more aware of my food choices which has helped me tremendously.
I never felt as supported in my efforts to be in charge of what, when and how much went in my mouth until I took your coaching program. Your support, sincerity, encouragement and guidance were so beneficial to me. You have made a huge difference in my life and I thank you so much for all you have given to me.”
- Roslyn T.
“I am so grateful that I found you! You have taught me how to tweak some of the patterns I have had throughout my entire life that had been so damaging both emotionally and physically as it relates to the way I eat. These tweaks were so easy for me to incorporate into my life because they were simple things I was willing to change within the guidelines of what you suggested.
What I really noticed that was different from anything I have ever tried in the past is that you were totally focused on my specific needs and issues with impulsive eating. This program was not a one size fits all structure. I felt you were able to address my individual situation and help me turn my life around. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
- Susan A.
“I contacted you because I was exhausted from my crazy and constant thinking about food. I knew that I could no longer feel powerless over the food I ate. Speaking with you every day for 30 days and focusing on the “tricks to make it stick” really made a difference with my new eating style.
Your personal understanding of disordered eating coupled with your matter of fact “this is how to change” approach makes it stick with me. During our daily talks, I learned that I was not beyond hope as I was able to see that you, a former binge eater were successful in changing your habits mid-life.
It was so freeing to know that I was not alone in my issues with food. Some of your sayings really hit home for me and strengthened my focus and geared my energy toward my bigger desire vs. my moments of temptation.
Your guidance has empowered me to make much better food choices while not depriving myself. Your approach is moderate yet strong. I have come so far with how I think about food and continue getting very relaxed knowing I can make the better healthier choices while also allowing myself to savor food-‐especially my favorites! Thank you Julie!”
- Brooke W.
Isn't It Time for You to Get Results?
“I was at the point where I hated feeling that I could not control what I ate when I was in the presence of large amounts, large varieties or unhealthy foods. The out of control feeling scared me that I would become very heavy if I could not figure out how to make eating manageable and comfortable without feeling deprived.
Because of your program, I don’t feel so afraid of foods that I used to be unable to control. I also don’t feel the need to eat “favorite” snacks all the time in order to avoid deprivation. I am very much on the road to “recovery” from binge eating and I’m thrilled about that.
The tools you have given me are becoming second nature and I feel calmer around food which will help me with long term success. I no longer feel that push/pull feeling of whether or not to eat something. Your method has helped me change my relationship with food.
I really like having the one-to-one attention with your coaching program. The daily interaction in the first month was really important for keeping on track. I have found your philosophy and “tricks to make it stick” very helpful to prevent me from sliding off the program.
I have lost weight which I am so pleased about and having seen changes within the first week and even more changes in the second week has allowed me to feel successful early on and that was a great motivator to continue. Thank you for the personal attention you gave me. I always feel great when I get off the phone with you.”
- Wendy L.
“I could no longer stand being a slave to food. My intense cravings were interfering with my daily life. Talking to Julie every day has been extremely helpful. She is one of the nicest women I have ever encountered and she is a fantastic coach.
Julie has been so understanding of my situation and she has taught me how to really connect with myself, observe my eating patterns and think of creative ways to eat what I want without gorging myself.
Julie works with me in a way that is so individualized, teaching me how I can eat the foods I really enjoy at each meal without ever feeling deprived as I have with other programs. I have learned my limits of food intake which prevents me from feeling bloated and it feels good to be happy after the food I eat instead of being depressed.
Once I began to really understand how to use the “tricks to make it stick” I immediately felt better about myself for making good choices and I felt satisfied because on this program, I have learned how to eat the foods in moderation that I always used to binge on. I’m excited to continue working with you. Thanks for all your help.”
- Rebecca S.